(Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo on Jun. 26)

There's a paper sign written, " Watch out for the crows " hanging from the branch where a crow is perching as the photograph shows. That's because incidents of crows'attacking people take place in the various parts of Japan in May and June every year. This is their protective behavior toward their chicks they raise, but there are all the more opinions to get rid of them since they are hated by people. Littering is the greatest reason for their being hated. They litter trying to peck at just their favorite food among humans'leftovers. People have taken measures like collecting garbage in the early morning in the downtown with a lot of restaurants. (Most people have noticed human beings themselves involve in the problem because of their bulky leftovers.) Moreover there's an old saying that when crows caw on the roof, someone of the family living in the house is going to die. On the other hand, crows'smartness is well-known for the way they eat, such as dropping a shell on the ground from the high place in the air or letting cars run over it to crack. According to an ancient myth, a big crow sent from the god guided the Emperor Jinmu ( He is supposed to be the first Japanese emperor, but whether he was actually existed or not is not clear. )and his party who lost in the mountain in the middle of conquering West Japan. The emblem of a representative Japanese soccer team is a crow designed from the myth. Does the emblem imply the wish that its crow would lead to a Victory of the Japanese team?

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