Iriya Asagao-Ichi,Iriya Morning Glory Market Tells the Coming of Summer in Tokyo
(Taito Ward Tokyo on Jul.6)

There's a market which sells potted Japanese morning glories between Jul.6 and 8 every year 120 stalls sold 120,000 pots of Japanese morning glories. The gardeners who grow Japanese morning glories have existed from the Edo period (the early 17th century-the mid 19th century) in the district and the market originated in the popularity of the large-flowered or rare types of morning glories they made. The market was at the hight of its popularity from 1880s to 1890s. But after that those gardeners quit their business one after another due to the rise in land prices and the market disappeared in 1913 when the last gardener gave up his job. It was 1948 when the market revived.

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