
10-Yen Curry for Charity (September 25th)

A memorial service for dolls(September 25th)

Skymark Airlines entered service.(September 21th)

Economic Depression (September 21th)

Place for Grandmas'Recreation(September 14th)

Bullfighting(September 11th)

Anti-Construction Movement of Waste Incinerator(September 7th)

Shopping paradise, Ameyoko(September 8th)


The Great Kanto Earthquake damaged this ginkgo(August 31th)

Toxic Substance Mailing Event(August 27th)

The first instant ramen was brought out.(August 25th)

Bicycles are rent out!(August 21th)

Scarecrow and popularity(August 19th)

Fireworks Exibition(August 6th)

Jinrikisha-Rickshaw(August 5th)


Horokukyu(July 29th)

Dicision for Noise Pollution(July 28th)

Election(July 24th)

Goldfish(July 16th)

Tsukudajima Bon dance(July 13th)


The World Cup Capriccio(June 22th)

an epoch,the unemployment rate is 4%.(June 16)

This is Sumida(June 11)

The hydrangeas at a shrine(June 3)


Yatsu Tideland

Tokyo BayAqua-Line

Nagano OlympicsViewed in Tokyo

Olympics beyond fence

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